Thursday, April 26, 2007

Important Meeting May 3rd

Attention all youth and parents! Please come to the YC Meeting on May 3rd, at 3 pm (Right after school) at the library. This is a required meeting for all youth, at this time you are going to be given valuable information about the trip, it's rules, and where you are at with your fundraising. We would like parents to come to this meeting because parent consent forms will need to be signed before any youth is allowed on the trip.

Also, deadlines have been set. All our fundraising will be done by May 20th. We have one major fundraiser left to do before that date. That means that if you have missed one or more fundraisers (see your participation chart) you will be asked to pay a portion of the money up front. Colette will sit down with each person at that meeting and tell them how much they will owe and when.

As you may or may not remember we gave each youth three fundraising options. Here is a reminder of the letter that each youth received at the original meeting in March before we began:
"Option 1- With Jobs and busy schedules some of you may not have time to do any fundraising. So Option 1 is pay $245 and your funds are raised for YC...Your good to go."
"Option 2- ...fundraise for the $145 and then pay the $100 food cost. I know that many of you have jobs and find fundraising time consuming, so this may be the best option for you."
"Option 3-Fundraise for the entire $245.The fundraising for the food cost ($100 of the $245) will be set up...if our fundraising falls short, each person will be responsible for the remainder owing. The majority of the fundraising work for food money will be done by teens and their parents. The food fundraising will not happen without parental support and assistance."

Some of you have let us know you are doing option 1. Great. Others have been participating fully at each fundraiser, then we understand you are probably taking option 3. At the meeting we will let you know how close you are coming to getting to your goal and if you are "falling short" you may be asked to pay a portion as mentioned in Option 3. Many youth have gone out on their own and done bottle drives, cleaned homes/yards or done other things to raise money on their own. This money has gone towards their total too. EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS, so if you know you have missed fundraiers, think about what you can do on your own, because "the majority of fundraising work for food will be done by teens and their parents."

With a little under a month left there is time to raise money, if you work at it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will hopefully have all of the chaperones there for this meeting.

I would like to have everyone there including parents so that we can let everyone know what is happening.

There has been a lot happening behind the scene's and people like CE and JM have put in many hours making sure that this is a great trip for the teens.

Thanks to all of the parents who put in time and energy at the bottle drive.

Great work everyone.