Saturday, April 21, 2007


Congratulations to CD, SM & DR you have now raised ALL YOUR MONEY FOR YC!!! Good job guys, relax and enjoy the next month.

Not far behind are: DM, MW & ZG who have raised over 145$ so all that's left is food money and you are on your way!!! If you haven't brought your chocolate money in... get it in and you are that much closer.

to the rest of you: Some of you are just about finished your first 145$ some have a long way to go. But we have more fundraisers left and there is still a month to get that money raised. YOU WILL DO IT! If you work it!

Again congrat's to those named! YOU ROCK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say THANKS to all who have organized these fund raisers for the kids to go to YC. It's a lot of work and we appreciate it a lot!
You All Rock!
Tina Webb