Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fundraising Ideas

Are you feeling like you missed alot of fundraisers? If you are worried about not having enough money yet earned to go to YC, here are a few ideas you can do. Many youth have gotten together with a few others, or just with their parents and collected bottles from people they know. More than one small bottle collection has raised over 100 bucks! If you did it all by yourself then that is a your food money right there!!!

Also think about the fact that right now there are people in the town who are in need of Lawns raked, or possibly windows washed... this may be a time to ask around and do odd jobs. Or you could get together with a few families and do a yard sale, bake sale or whatever you can think of really!

A reminder also that we have one fundraiser we hope to do in May, and it's going to be a silent auction. WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW ITEMS THAT FAMILIES OR BUSINESSES CAN DONATE. This is a sure fire way to have contributed to this fundraiser and get part of the profits. So start thinking about what your family could donate that they have that is new.

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