Thursday, May 10, 2007

Auctions Around the World

Our final Fundraiser is on it's way in less than two weeks, and it's gonna be awsome!! It's on May 19th starting at 4 and running until 8. We need youth there from 2:30 onward to set up and expect to be there until 9. (Breaks allowed)

The title of this event is called AUCTIONS AROUND THE WORLD, featuring over 5 different kinds of auctions from YCBay auctions (run by Colette & using low tech runners instead the internet); to silent auctions that end when a candle burns out (ooh the suspense!); to loud boistrous English Auctions. Many parent have been donating wonderful new items for the auction, and if you have any items get them in to Joanna. We have our Wonder Woman talking to everybusiness in town and even some out of town for auction items and they are rolling in!

Jerrilyn wants all youth with talent to start planning something for entertainment, so get out your rusty accordians, your dusty juggling balls or your crusty dance shoes and start warming up! Or get out your unicycles DJ and warm up your musical fingers DR, KB, LM and tune your instruments!

This event has two days worth of "points" for those who really need the extra push towards making their fundraising goal. Just like the bottle drive if you attend both days you get twice what you would if you attended one day. So what's day two? It's actually the Thurdsay previous May 17th. We will be delivering flyers door to door all over town. If you can't make the 19th then plan on delivering flyers to get your fundraising points! And hey think of this: the more people know about the event the bigger the turn-out and the more money you all get!!! With this being our last fundraiser of four, lets end with a bang!

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